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Pure minimalism

Pure minimalism

Wheels for the Planet NGO needed to provide interactive and collaborative documents. Instead of developing an entire website, we proposed a "Tree page," which directs users to where the documents are already stored: a Drive.

And not just any drive, as the solution leverages the collaborative tool available to members of the GAIACT NGO (https://gaiactnetwork.org/).

Result: a Tree page created in 2 days that allows the NGO to record thousands of ratifications of their cycle-related charters.

Work done:
Eco-design approach

  • UX/UI
  • Front-end Dev - AstroJS (Via EcoBuilder, GreenWeb technologies)
  • Back-end Dev - EcoBuilder
  • Hosting - Digital Forest

Technical performance (LightHouse):

  • Performance: 100/100
  • Accessibility: 100/100
  • Best practices: 100/100
  • SEO: 100/100

Environmental performance:

  • Compliance with RGESN: 100%
  • Compliance with RGAA: 98%
  • EcoIndex: Ecoscore A across all pages
  • GreenWeb Index: 98/100
  • Ecological hosting by Digital Forest: 0% water used (WUE = 0), 95% reconditioned servers, 100% hydroelectric energy, 200% climate contribution. PUE = 1.25. CUE = -0.62 (the data center produces more electricity than it consumes).
