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Eco-optimization of an E-Commerce Site

Eco-optimization of an E-Commerce Site

Green Web provided its expertise and resources to optimize the Elite Sport Store site and maintain its technical performance. Based on UI mockups provided by the client, we implemented an optimized architecture using React, successfully reducing its environmental impact by a factor of four. We also migrated the existing site to our Digital Forest infrastructure, reducing the hosting impact fivefold compared to the previous OVH solution. Additionally, we established a partnership with Elite Sport Store to raise awareness among athletes about responsible digital practices.

Work carried out: 

  • Technical optimization of the site, back-end development 
  • Front-end development (web and app) 
  • React JS and React Native 
  • Back-end development - Strapi/Node 
  • Hosting - Digital Forest

Technical performance (LightHouse): 

  • Performance: 99/100 
  • Accessibility: 96/100 
  • Best practices: 70/100 
  • SEO: 100/100

Environmental performance:

  • Compliance with RGESN: 91%
  • Compliance with RGAA: 87%
  • EcoIndex: Eco-score B-C across all pages (Initial score: G)
  • GreenWeb Index: NC
  • Eco-friendly hosting Digital Forest: 0% water usage (WUE = 0), 95% refurbished servers, 100% hydroelectric energy, 200% climate contribution. PUE = 1.25. CUE = -0.62 (the data center produces more electricity than it consumes).