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Ecofriendly Website Generator

Why did we conceive

Eco-design is a remarkable tool that makes it possible to concretely reduce the environmental impact of a website. On the other hand, creating a website that meets all eco-design criteria is a real obstacle course, which requires many different skills and technologies, for budgets often higher than standard references.

We have conceived EcoBuilder, precisely to allow as many people as possible to create, in a few clicks, a website that meets all the standards of Web accessibility (RGAA) and eco-design (RGESN).

What is EcoBuilder?

EcoBuilder is a «SAAS» solution that generates eco-designed websites according to the most advanced standards in the field. In a few clicks, and without technical knowledge, it is possible for as many individuals or companies as possible to design the digital showcase that corresponds to their values, identities, and CSR commitment.

On average, coupled with its low-carbon web hosting on Digital Forest, EcoBuilder allows to divide between 3 and 10, the impact of a traditional website.

EcoBuilder is an innovative GreenTech tool for all those who wish to engage in a digital approach related to sustainable development.

What are the services?

  • Register a domain name for free
  • Create an eco-designed website in a few clicks, alone or in a team
  • Host your sites on a low-carbon solution (Digital Forest)
  • Check your eco-scores in real time
  • Be accompanied by live support
  • In-site SEO optimizations
  • Content management CMS
  • Export of the site in one click
  • French Monitoring Analytics (Plausible)
  • EcoScore A guaranteed